A couple of weekends ago, the 2022 Whitby Regatta took place (13th – 15th August).
For the first time in a number of years I keenly got ready to go the night before, making sure my camera batteries had electricity in them and making sure my computer was set up properly to accept the footage I’d record, ready to get it online.
I had been looking forward to the event for weeks once I knew the Red Arrows were coming for the first time in a long while on a day I could actually get down to see them, as after the last time I caught them in 2011 I decided I needed a better camera to capture footage of them at following Whitby Regatta events, and invested in a top-rated Panasonic HD camcorder to do so.
So this weekend would be the first time since I bought the bloody thing 11-years ago that I’d been able to use the thing for the job I bought it to be able to do. Continue reading “Whitby Regatta 2022”