Weather Warning – Friday 26th November 2021

Weather alert: Forecast currently predicting SNOW over Whitby area c. 10pm Friday night (26th November), around 3.2cm (1.26 inch) of the stuff, with Scarborough in for about 0.6cm of the stuff around the same time.

Looks like earlier brief bursts over Guisborough / Danby / Egton sort of area around 4pm that day.

Map also shows some snow starting over Middlesbrough / Redcar around 9pm

Also temperature prediction of 1°C (34°F), with a perceived temperature of -5°C (23°F) Continue reading “Weather Warning – Friday 26th November 2021”

Scarborough Council to Waste Money on Electric Vehicles

According to the Whitby Gazette website, Scarborough Borough Council apparently plans to convert more of it’s vehicles to expensive and hopeless electric things after councillors have been duped into going along with the “climate emergency” nonsense that’s a total scam (Whitby Gazette similarly blissfully ignorant).

To understand why this move is a waste of time, check out this video playlist exposing the nonsense…..