Apparently the idiots who’ve made your energy bills go through the roof are bringing a climate wanking week to the Yorkshire Coast this June in another one of their over-hyped flaps over the environment.
Climate wanking week coming to the #Yorkshire coast, brought to you by the thick twats who made your energy bills go through the roof 🙄
— ConservativeChitChat (@ConservativeCCh) May 17, 2023
This comes as actual scientists are still revealing there’s nothing wrong with it.
Notice how this clever graph conveniently starts the temperature plot in 1981 – just as we’re coming out of the Little Ice Age “Scare” — when it snowed in Miami in 1977. Even more telling is knowing that we are still thawing out from the Little Ice Age itself. #ClimateScam
— John Shewchuk (@_ClimateCraze) April 29, 2023
❗️IPCC “hides good news about disaster losses and climate-related deaths”
❗️IPCC “wrongly claimed the estimate of climate sensitivity is above 2.5°C”
❗️IPCC “misleads policy makers by focusing on an implausible worst-case emissions scenario”
— Net Zero Watch (@NetZeroWatch) May 11, 2023
Agree. #CO2IsGood. More CO2 is better since we are in a relative CO2 famine …
— John Shewchuk (@_ClimateCraze) May 12, 2023
NET ZERO – As the UK continues its economic suicide pretending we are lowering our carbon by exporting it. China’s CO2 emissions are at a record high.
Fun fact: In just the first qtr China cancelled out any benefits our entire Net Zero plan to 2050 might bring 🤡
— Bernie’s Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) May 13, 2023
Arctic sea ice is melting very slowly this year and extent is close to the 1981-2010 average, yet the press and politicians continue to lie about the #ClimateScam
— Tony Heller (@TonyClimate) May 14, 2023
Just 0.3% of Scientists Agree Humans Are Causing ‘Climate Change’ – The #ClimateScam is simply being used by globalists for the purposes of control and taxation. Every scientist must be bold and honest and stand up for the #Truth
— Jim Ferguson (@JimFergusonUK) May 8, 2023
CO2 Data from Berner, 2001. It is widely used by others, easily Goggleable, and available via government download sites – but don’t tell #ClimateScam . Here’s my annotated chart …
— John Shewchuk (@_ClimateCraze) May 13, 2023
#ClimateScam can not allow an open debate, because then the truth about the sun will expose the fraudulent narratives. This is why Al Gore said the debate is over – because he’s scared to debate.
— John Shewchuk (@_ClimateCraze) May 14, 2023
Climate scientists told to ‘cover up’ the fact that the Earth’s temperature hasn’t risen for the last 15 years | Daily Mail Online. The #ClimateScam is being exposed. Their lies rejected and many more scientists speaking up for the #Truth
— Jim Ferguson (@JimFergusonUK) May 9, 2023
‘The price of energy and the energy poverty you have in the UK today wasn’t caused by Putin or the pandemic. It was caused by a total commitment to decarbonisation at the expense of energy security’
Rear Admiral Michael Hewitt & @Nigel_Farage discuss energy policy & geopolitics.
— GB News (@GBNEWS) March 22, 2023
As domestic supplies run out, experts predict that British households will spend roughly ÂŁ6,000 on cooking and heating their homes with imported gas over the next 12 years.#CostOfNetZero @LoisPerry26
— CAR26.ORG 🌻 (@CAR26_ORG) May 15, 2023
According to The Economist’s modelling, 68,000 people died as a result of energy costs. Their model predicted 68,000 fewer fatalities across Europe, a 3.6% decrease.#CostOfNetZero @LoisPerry26
— CAR26.ORG 🌻 (@CAR26_ORG) May 12, 2023